Saturday, February 10, 2007

The maid, Genesis, seems to think Grey and Rosemary are an adorable couple, despite their blocking her in the corner with the dishes. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

That maid...yeah well she is a slob...did you know that? I married in Genesis Lam one time...okay I had my guy steal her from Andrew's guy about 2 years ago (back before Uni) and well I thought it was hilarious that she was a maid who complained about cleaning...she only had like 1 neat point. I named her kids after the books of the bible...Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy!

SuziCat said...

Yeah, didn't know that about the neat point until moving her in. What a cool idea, Jenn, the Bible naming thing! You're so clever! :-)