Wednesday, July 13, 2005

And to end this update, AN EATING PICTURE!!! Bwah-hah-hah!!! Posted by Picasa

Ice just dotes on his daughter, enjoying his second chance at fatherhood after losing Green. (Yes, that IS Regen; I changed her hair with the toddler mirror for fun. I want to see what child hair this toddler hairstyle turns into.) Posted by Picasa

"Whew, it's good to talk to you, Reed! Your mom is weird!" Posted by Picasa

"Stay for dinner, so you can be in the endless stream of eating shots we have in our photo album!" Posted by Picasa

Ultra comes over to see the baby and her friends, Jade and Reed. Lola regales her with the harrowing story of Regen's birth. Ultra looks like she's going to be sick. Posted by Picasa

Is Lola admiring Ice's llama painting talent, or his backside? You decide. Posted by Picasa

Ice teaches his daughter all of her skills pretty quickly--she's a fast learner! And you get to see Ice in the jungle undies again. :-) Posted by Picasa

They're so sweet when they snuggle up with each other before they go to sleep! Posted by Picasa

However, she makes sure that she definitely can't have any more before celebrating later in bed with Ice! Posted by Picasa

And Ice gives his daughter a special birthday tickle while Lola watches. She's glad that for this baby, she will have its father there all of the time. She thinks about Green and thanks him in her mind for giving her extra fertility with the medicine so she and Ice could have this little miracle. Posted by Picasa

But she knows she'll love Regen unconditionally, no matter how she does in school. Lola gives her a big cuddle to show how much she loves her. Posted by Picasa

Regen becomes a pretty little toddler--I love seeing brown hair after so many black haired Sims in both houses! Lola knows she'll be great in school, like all of her other kids. Posted by Picasa

Reed gets bored with it and starts cleaning up the dishes from dinner. He figures, you've seen one transition, you've seen them all . . .  Posted by Picasa

Babies are always so cute being held up in front of the cake, aren't they? Posted by Picasa

When it's time for Regen's birthday, Lola lets Jade be the one to help her with the cake. Posted by Picasa

The Downward Bunny. Posted by Picasa

Forest told her about how cool doing yoga was, so Autumn thought she'd try it out. Of course, she forgot that her only workout outfit is the bunny suit! Posted by Picasa

Autumn snuggles her sister. It would be awfully hard for her to leave this sweet baby. She may wait a little while to move. Posted by Picasa

She IS awfully naughty sometimes! I love the look on her face here right after goosing Ice. Posted by Picasa

I can't decide if Ice is touched by Lola tucking in the baby, or just admiring her booty. Maybe a bit of both. Posted by Picasa

That prenatal Mozart-listening must have paid off! Autumn masters the creativity skill. Posted by Picasa

Even as an adult, Autumn is embarrassed by Ice and her mom being all lovey-dovey. She's starting to think about moving out, too, so she won't have to keep seeing it! Posted by Picasa

"I'm really glad I moved in, Pine. I missed playing chess with you." "I'm glad you moved in, too, bro. And by the way, it's your turn to clean the bathroom!" Posted by Picasa

A typical scene at the Singles kids' place. Forest has taken up yoga. Posted by Picasa

As Pine plays some video games and Kelly goes into the fridge for a snack, Aspen agrees to move in, which is cool with everybody. (I think Spring was sleeping.) Posted by Picasa