Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Everyone else is happy to see Basil, too! Okay, I know this was really short, but everything was conspiring against me to do this update--I started trying to do it hours ago! Anyway, I'll come back soon to make up for it, and the next update will feature the goings-on at the main house! Thanks for reading!
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Meet Basil. He has his mom's skin tone and his dad's human eye shape, but they are green and Grey's are brown, so there's some recessive thing going on here. And he has his dad's brown hair, the first one of his kids to have his hair color! So now they have 3 one-quarter alien kids--one with human skin tone and alien eye shape (Thyme), another with human skin tone and eye shape (Pepper), and the last with alien skin tone and human eye shape and color! To have every combo, they would just need a kid with alien skin tone AND eyes, but that's not too likely to happen, with just a quarter alien.
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And it's GREEN!!! I was thrilled to see that!
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And now it is finally baby time for Rosemary--seems like this bun has been in the oven forever!
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. . . but then she seems to think it's kind of neat!
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Cerulean does get to make out with his wife Genesis, which embarrasses Pepper at first . . .
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Hi folks! Cerulean here! I don't have much to do this update, so I thought I'd say hi!
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And he's complimenting her, how sweet!
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Cadet and Kristen seem to be having a good time at the party! (He looks so cute there!)
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If you've been wondering about this girl at the party, she was Thyme's teenage girlfriend that I aged up with the Tombstone (she lives with Mist and Midnight and the others, so you may remember her from the family portrait). So she was all ready to be his adult girlfreind, too!
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He does this in the Legasea house too! Good to see he's consistent! Rosemary seems to find it amusing.
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While everybody else is getting cake, Grey finally shows up, just a little late!
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He turned out pretty good, huh?Posted by Picasa

It's Thyme's birthday time! (Ha ha.)
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Rosemary is there, looking very uncomfortably pregnant. It's not Pepper or Gene's birthday, because they are celebrating.
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It's been a week since the last update, so I'll give you guys a little one from the satellite house of Rosemary, Cadet, etc. It's a birthday party, it appears, and look at that--Kristen is all next to Cadet! Wow, invited to a family birthday party--good for Kristen!
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