Friday, June 17, 2005

As London slips into the hot tub in the buff, who should come around the corner, but Denim! Will he tell his brother what's going on? Will Owen transition into a teen well? What will his aspiration be? Will this blog get back to the Green/Lola wedding fiasco? I don't even know yet! Come back next time for possible answers to these questions! Posted by Hello

Unfortunately, London can't resist getting in the hot tub with Chloe when she sees her in there in her bikini! "I know I'm going to regret this," she thinks, "but I don't care!" She mentions to Chloe that she must have forgotten her swimsuit, and strips naked! Posted by Hello

Sapphire distracts Denim by discussing the deaths in his family, so London can try to sneak out. Posted by Hello

When Denim and Neville Subject stop by later on, London realizes she has to hide herself, as she had made an excuse to Denim, Cobalt's brother who lives with them, so she could get away to Chloe's. He'd figure out what she'd been up to if he saw her there, especially in her undies! Posted by Hello

Later that afternoon, London and Chloe wake up and London stays for some delicious dinner that Sapphire had prepared. (Finn had eaten already and went up to his room to study, as seen in the previous picture.) Posted by Hello

"Man, math is hard!" The boys always plug away faithfully at their homework, getting A grades. Posted by Hello

Mission accomplished! And it looks like London had a good time! Posted by Hello

In fact, Xavier (their maid who has become best friends with Finn) realizes what he is doing and runs to the bedroom after them. Chloe and London probably wouldn't mind him joining in, but there isn't a "Join Threesome" interaction possible, ha. So they make him leave before getting down to business. Posted by Hello

They move the making out into the bathroom, where Xavier shoos them away so he can use the bathroom! Most guys would be happy to watch! :-) Posted by Hello

During their makeout session on the bed, Chloe pretends not to notice London's big ol' engagement ring! Posted by Hello

Yes, it is! It's London, Cobalt's fiancee! Being a Romance Sim, London couldn't be faithful for very long, obviously! Posted by Hello

When the kids are at school, Chloe has over a new potential conquest. Wait, is that who it looks like? Posted by Hello

Before getting ready for school, Finn goes to talk to the policewoman whose car broke down in front of their house. "Hey, maybe you can come to my next birthday party!" Posted by Hello

And Chloe does just fine in her career, regardless of what the Headmaster thinks of her, thank you very much! Here's she reaches the top of the Slacker career. Posted by Hello

Needless to say the headmaster was not impressed with the family; besides, he had heard things about Chloe that he did not want associated with his fine institution. It didn't bother the family, though; they just thought he was a snob. Finn went out after the party for a late night swim--he's hoping on a sports career anyway. He doesn't need some stuffy private school! Posted by Hello

And yes, Green was actually there at the party, IN THE POOL, of course! He misses more of his kids' transitions that way! "Any cake left, Headmaster?" Posted by Hello

In fact, the headmaster spent the whole visit looking pretty disgusted. Finn doesn't care--he's got cake and grew up well! Posted by Hello

From the headmaster's expression here, it looks like Finn still needs to work on his charisma skills! Posted by Hello

"Hey, look at me, Headmaster! I'm a teen now! Will you be my friend?" Posted by Hello

As Finn starts his transitioning, the headmaster shows up, who seems interested in Chloe. Maybe that will help their score? Posted by Hello

"I know what I want my aspiration to be now! Popularity, just like Aunt Sapphire, I want LOTS of friends, too!" Posted by Hello

Soon, it is time for tween Finn to transition into full fledged teenagerhood! He'll be glad, because he won't have to wear the same clothes as his little brother anymore! (I have to say little Jan Smith looks really cute in this picture, waving her little noisemaker.) Posted by Hello

In case you were wondering about Green and Chloe's relationship during this time, Chloe had made it clear to Green that they weren't meant to be as a couple, that she wants to be free to pursue other lovers, and Green, being a Family Sim would definitely not be okay with that. So, they are friendly toward each other, nothing more, and Green comes over as often as he can to see his kids there, but feels guilty that he spends more time at Lola's than at Chloe's. He rationalizes it, though, by telling himself he has more kids to spend time with at Lola's than at Chloe's. (And at this point he hadn't admitted to himself that part of the reason he was over at Lola's more was because of Lola herself!) Posted by Hello

Synchronized study time! Chloe is really grateful for Sapphire's help with the boys! Posted by Hello

A shot of Owen just because he's so darn cute. Posted by Hello