Sunday, February 12, 2006

Well, I am going to stop here for now. The "young love" I mentioned last time will have to wait for the next update, sorry! At least I have a family portrait to end on this time! Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! Posted by Picasa


taratownie said...

Aagh! No young love, now you're torturing us again Suzicat! China and Mist *are* cute and good thing your 7th gen heiress made it to an adult despite all the homework. Can't wait Samuel and 8th gen to show. :)

MysticSpirit said...

So how on earth did Veronica get such a LARGE pile of homework without losing significant points on her G.P.A??? *LOL* And the twins really did turn out quite well. But how come you let them age at different times? Born together, age together I always say. ;O)

Anonymous said...

Loved the update. Funny, you mentioning Chandler's eyes. He still makes my heart go pitter-pat. :-)
Cheryl (Cee-Cee)

Anonymous said...

Great update! I love how China turned out looking...the eyes are beautiful, and the non-alien nose is always a plus! I can't wait to read more!

Kristen said...

Great update and now I'm all caught up! And you should know by now with all my comments (hehe) that being a Mist advocate, she's my favorite of the two even though China was cuter as a baby. =)

AeronwyDiobhell said...

Cerulean is a good looking man. I hope he gets to have kids of his own someday! Veronica turned into a very beautiful woman! (Although it’s strange not seeing the Young Adult transition, I keep thinking you’ve missed a step. *giggle*) *looks at the picture of Veronica painting* Looks like she should have skipped the cake there though… ;-) The twins turned out to be such pretty girls too.

Anonymous said...

Well, I have finally caught up with this family. I love them!! Grey is my favorite. I don't usually get all hot & bothered over sims, but he REALLY does it for me. I can't wait to see what happens next.

SuziCat said...

Oh yes, torture is fun, Tara! :-) And yeah, Tara and Anjel, Veronica lucked out that they let her graduate high school with all of that unfinished homework, ha! You'll all love the little 8th gen cutie! (More torture, bwah-ha-ha!)

It is so hard to do all of the transitioning at the same time for twins, Anjel! Cut me some slack! :-)

Thanks for being in Chandler's fan club Cheryl; I think you're the only one! (Besides me, but I LOVE Grey too!)

Thanks, Alexis; it is always fascinating to me to see how alien kids turn out!

I like Mist more, too, actually, Kristen, for reasons you will see when they transition!

Aeronwy, you must be psychic! :-) I like Veronica with the curves, tho, I haven't had a full figured heiress since Violet in gen 2!

Also, thanks to Lisa! Yes, Grey is FINE! Ever wondered why I've kept him around since gen 3??? ;-)

Heather, to speak like O. Amy, soon it will be. :-)

Thanks to everybody for reading and commenting!