Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Grey explains his experiences when he was abducted and that that was where Sky and Ultra came from. "And from your symptoms, it looks like you are pregnant with an alien baby, too, just like I was twice and like Ice was with Green. We can help you through this." Wisteria is happy about a new family member--it's almost like Orchid left so this new baby could be born to start life over again. Shane sits there in silence, his sandwich forgotten. He had heard that was how Grey and Ice had their children, but he figured everyone was pulling his leg and that those kids had green mommies somewhere in the neighborhood. So he went along with it, figuring they would tell him they were joshing him about the whole "abduction" thing. But now this has happened. Now he HAS to believe, no matter how much he doesn't want to. A baby??? Inside him??? They HAVE to be kidding, right? Posted by Picasa

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