Monday, July 11, 2005

"And that's how he explained it to me, Lola. Is all of that true?" "Wow," Lola said. "That was amazing! I can't believe Ice told you all of that, he's usually so shy and quiet. Or he used to be anyway! Yeah, that's about right. He left out a few things, though; you want to hear my version?" Grey runs off with his hands over his ears, saying "If I have to hear that sappy story one more time I'll barf!" Then he comes right back, laughing, and says, "You know, I am really happy for you guys. But I still don't want to hear the story again! La, la, la, la, I can't hear you!" He runs off again, with his hands over his ears agin and Lola laughs and laughs.  Posted by Picasa


MysticSpirit said...


I just love how these updates have been narrated. *LOL* And I love this final image and the caption. So funny!

You are mean no longer. ;O)

taratownie said...

Lol, now I started to wonder what was it that Ice left out hehe