Wednesday, June 29, 2005

When she touched the keyboard, scientific notes and instructions started popping up, and it looked like they were about the medicine on the machine! Wisteria quickly read the note, which apologized to them all and explained why Green had to do what he did. She got tears in her eyes as she read how he loved them all and would miss them very much. Green also left thorough instructions for the medicine to give it to Lola before her disease became incurable, too. He said that this last dose should work, but he didn't think he'd have time to test it. Wisteria grabbed the medicine, and as she was putting the letter and the notes and instructions on a CD, she read the last part of Green's note, which was a poem for Lola. He wrote:

"I'm sorry I had to potty
on your special day
I wish I was not sick
in an awful way
I hope you will get better
with the stuff I made
Remember only the good times
now that I'm away"

(With thanks to Muisie for the poem!)
Posted by Hello

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